Friday, February 1, 2008

Inner Promptings and Obedience

“The Spirit told Philip, ‘Go to that chariot and stay near it.’”
Acts 9:29

Philip was solid. When reading about Philip in Acts, two things jump out at me. First, Philip had a sensitivity to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Second, he obeyed. Philip's obedience lead to the salvation of the Ethiopian eunuch. In the process, I can only imagine that Philip’s faith grew.

One of the biggest setbacks we can experience in our spiritual journey is ignoring the leadings and promptings of the Holy Spirit. Obviously, this means we need to develop a sensitivity to how God interacts with us through the Holy Spirit. But, also, it means we need to obey. When God leads us, we need to follow that leading in faith. There have been times in my life when I didn’t follow, and my experience of God was limited because of my disobedience. Furthermore, who knows what God had in store for others through me. My choice to obey or disobey might not only impact my faith, but it might impact the faith others. So, is there anything God is calling me to do that I'm not doing?

Father, give me a renewed sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in my life. Help me to sense your promptings. And, once I receive that leading, help me to have the boldness to obey. Help me to do what you tell me to do.