Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lost Sheep

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me."

John 10:14

This is one of the great "I am" passages in John.  Here, Jesus is stating that he is the good shepherd.  There is a natural inclination to recall Psalm 23 while hearing the words of Jesus.  In Psalm 23, God is called a shepherd, and indeed a good shepherd.  He leads his sheep in the midst of darkness and threat.  He leads the sheep through the valley to quiet waters and green pastures.  He provides for all the needs of his sheep.  Because of the presence of the shepherd, the sheep have no need for worry or fear.  They have great faith in the love of their shepherd, and his ability to protect them.  Jesus says that he is the good shepherd, that he will lead us to quiet waters and green pastures.  He will restore our soul.

I need to remember that I am a sheep.  That I need to follow.  That I am weak and fallible and dependent.  Left to myself, I am lost and lonely.  However, Jesus extends an invitation to become my shepherd.  He expresses his desire to lead and love.  All I have to do is accept the invitation and begin to follow.

Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd.  When I follow you, you lead me to places of peace and joy and provision.  Forgive me for those times when I don't follow.  Help me to follow you more fervently and earnestly.