Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's In Your Pocket?


Matt. 25:14 ¶ (The Kingdom of God) “It’s also like a man going off on an extended trip. He called his servants together and delegated responsibilities.
Matt. 25:15 To one he gave five thousand dollars, to another two thousand, to a third one thousand, depending on their abilities. Then he left. (The Message)


When some people read this verse they focus on the apparent inequity of the money (talents) given to the servants (you and me) by the man. (God)
When I read the text, however, I am grateful that God has given something to everyone. No one is left out! While we are in pursuit of God and waiting for His return, we have all been given gifts to utilize for the benefit of His Kingdom. God is not unfair nor does He play favorites. He gives to each person according to their abilities. Remember, it is not what you have been given that is important but what you do with what you have been given.


What has God given to me? Am I using my gifts, talents and resources to expand His Kingdom? Do I focus more on what others have received or on what I have been given?
Do I spend more time thinking about what I don’t have or on what I do have? Do I compare myself with others or do I realize that I am unique? What am I going to do today with the gifts God has given me?
When we answer these questions by the help of the Holy Spirit and make any necessary adjustments, God will work IN us as well as THROUGH us.


O Lord Thank you for your gracious gifts that I have received. May I use them to bring you honor and glory! May you lead me to a person in need of what I have to give. May we celebrate Christmas in May and rejoice as your gifts to us are opened.