Thursday, October 23, 2008


Job 13-14; Acts 17-18

Job 13-14: It surprises me the boldness of Job in talking to his friends in the first part of chapter of 13; he truly shows his knowledge and wisdom of God. But as the chapter continues, when Job is supposed to be talking with God, you see him speaking more at God than to Him, and his boldness moves to a sort of whining and complaining before God. Haven't we all done this before? When describing God to unbelievers or those who would challenge our faith, haven’t we acted the same way? We get a boldness and sort of anger that rises up within us. But then when we stand before God in prayer we whine and cry like we don’t believe God will hear us. Where is our boldness then? should we not have the same boldness that we displayed earlier?

Acts 17-18: We see here how the Lord was using Paul to spread the word. Between the two chapters I love when Paul visits Athens and reasons with the philosophers there. Using their own idol as a door way through which he was able to speak to them concerning God, and his reasoning was so thorough that these philosophers invited him to return at another time and speak to them more about God.

The Word says we are to approach God with boldness. All of Job's arguments to God are truthful, but they lack faith, and the word says that without faith it is impossible to please God. When praying let us ask God for the boldness and faith to stand before Him, for He gives without reserve. We must remember God is the Father of everything, and the True Father abounding in love.

I pray that God would use us so boldly and thoroughly. We should dig deeper into the scriptures and gain a deeper intimacy with God so that we can take advantage of the opportunities God sets before us. Let us wait upon the Lord and rest in His shadow.

Joel Hendrick
Worship Team - Electric Guitar