Friday, June 12, 2009

Attitude A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 2:5

WOW, talk about an attitude adjustment this verse will give it to you.
This verse gives me direction for my attitude and the arrow leads
me to Jesus. I'm saddened to admit my attitude is far from what
Jesus' would be on a daily basis. I have some work to do!
The good news is through Christ there is hope for me.
Jesus himself tells us in Matthew 19:26 ". . . but with God all things
are possible."

Even with the cross before him Jesus would pray to the Father saying
"Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet
not what I will, but what you will." Mark 14:36. Jesus always did
the will of God even unto death. His mind was always on the heavenly
realm not the earthly realm. Doing God's will always took first place.

My attitude seems like such a little thing, but it's amazing how it not
only affects me, but others as well. I remember catching myself
complaining (in excess) and it was like a runaway snowball that just
kept getting bigger and was moving into a full-blown avalanche! The
Holy Spirit did something in me that day and began to remind me
how blessed I was. I began thanking the Lord out loud for his
goodness, my salvation, my health, my family, the birds singing
in the tree and on and on. That gave me quite the attitude adjustment!

I will adjust my attitude! It's something I control! I will do that
through worship, prayer, and reading God's Word. Psalm 37:5
says, "Commit your ways to the Lord;" One of the biggest ways
my life is directed is through my attitude. Jesus' attitude was
to do the will of His Father. Each day I will adjust my attitude to
do the same.

Heavenly Father, give me an attitude overhaul. Work in me
that I may have the right attitude in every situation and
conversation. Thank you Lord that you give my your
Holy spirit to work in me your Holy attitude adjustment.
In Jesus name, Amen