Sunday, May 17, 2009

Searching For The Best

I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity.
1 Chronicles 29:17

David had given instruction for building the temple.  After the people had given generously to this effort, he was praying and telling God that he knew He tested the hearts of the people and was pleased with their honesty and sincerity.

In my life, I need to be sincere and honest before the Lord in all things.  I need to let the Lord test and search my heart to reveal the imperfections so that He help me in being the best possible Christian for Him.

Lord, as Your Word says --- Search me, Oh God, and know my thought and my heart.  See if there be any wicked way in me.  Help me to always be honest, sincere and upright before You.  Amen.

Nancy Goldsmith
Worship Department, Piano, Keyboard, Alto