Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Do Not Judge

Luke 6:37-38 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "

I've read this Scripture many times and reminded myself that judgment belongs to the Lord. I remember that I am not to judge or condemn; that I am to forgive and to give. And yet, no matter how many times I read these words, it's never enough. It's as though I need to be reminded every day.

Most of the time, our judgments are small and yet seem to be always present in the back of our minds. When we see someone or encounter people we know or even strangers, we make snap judgements - about things we know or don't know about them. It's our nature to be wary of people who are not like us. I find myself falling into this trap with certain categories of people - people who dress differently, people who are dirty or smell bad - and these are just the strangers. With the people I know slightly better, I can easily find myself disapproving of lifestyles, beliefs, certain language, bad habits, and so on.

We must constantly remind ourselves that a person's value is determined by God, not by us. Our value must come from God, not others. We have to rely on the Holy Spirit to give us God's eyes and heart in dealing with others so we do not fall into the easy trap of judgment and condemnation.

The Scripture goes on to state that the measure we use in giving will be given back to us. I don't know what 'pressed down, shaken together' means, but I do know what 'running over' means and I like the sound of it. However, we are to give with no thought of compensation but because it is what God desires for us. Our actions and motives are always before Him.

Jesus' messages were always about loving others - particularly, the unlovable. I want to see all people with the value and love that God sees them. I want to put aside the outside persona of others. I want to see the child inside of everyone that wants only to be loved and valued by their Father. I want to give freely and generously of my time and resources.

Lord, show me how to give and love as You do. Please give me wisdom and sensitivity in dealing with others and allow me to see beyond the exterior of individuals.