Monday, November 17, 2008

2 Corinthians 7:1
Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

There is so much in this section! But I write today of what jumped out at me from the very beginning...the first verse! Paul is reminding those who believe in Christ to purify themselves. Believers are to purify themselves because of the promises — what promises? The promises Paul has been laying out from chapter one to chapter six: God has delivered us from the sentence of death, that we are victorious in Christ, that we are part of the New Covenant and have hope in the resurrection and in the presence of the Spirit of the Lord, and on and on.

Further, he is directing believers everywhere to purify themselves from EVERYTHING that contaminates body and spirit. Believers are to pure in both their physical body and in the spiritual beings.

How quickly I forget that my job here on earth is not to make myself happy, not to accomplish my goals, and not to look out for number one. I can so easily find excuses for small compromises that demonstrate a decided LACK of faith in His promises. When I buy the enemy's lies that the Father's ways are somehow not fulfilling and that the way of the flesh will make me happy, I rob myself of the victory that He wants to demonstrate in me.

Today I declare that I am a vessel made for the Master and that His holiness will dwell in me! Today, I lay aside thoughts, impurities, greedy fingers, gossiping lips, deceitful words, wandering eyes — and I seek His strength and power!

Lord, thanks for the reminder and the encouragement! I am not my own, I am bought with a price! I sacrifice the desires of my flesh now so that Your holiness might be present in me. Because of your direction, I determine to walk in your ways, not by my power, but by Your Spirit. Amen.