Friday, January 16, 2009

The Lord is With You

The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of Egyptian master.  Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did.  
Genesis 39:2-3

I can't imagine how tragic that moment was for Joseph when he was mistreated and sold into slavery by his own brothers.  I am sure he felt betrayed.  Yet all along God, the Master Planner, had envisioned what lies ahead for Joseph.  He was with him.

God, in His master plan, can't be altered.  Joseph was destined to save people.  If it were not for Joseph, the people would have died of starvation.  God's long term plan to rescue Joseph from death is beyond comprehension.  God is always for us and not against us.  He will lead us if we let Him guide us.

Lord Jesus, thank you for displaying Your plan to Your children.  You have showed us in Joseph a great example of how a Godly man trusted you even in his great despair.  Yet, he emerged victorious because of Your love for him.  I pray, Lord, that we will have that faith to trust You and know Your purpose: to give us life, not death; to succeed and not fail; to lead and not fall.  Amen.

Nenita Kuyper
Worship Department/Soprano