Friday, May 9, 2008

First Things First


Matt. 26:7 a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.
Matt. 26:8 ¶ When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. “Why this waste?” they asked.


What this woman did was an act of worship! Yet, many felt it was a waste?
It always surprises me to discover Christian people who do not understand the purpose, place or power of worship. If we fail to grasp the foundational truth about praise and worship, life will never be experienced to it fullest dimension. You worship God when you put Him FIRST in everything you say or do. Every time you make tithing the first thing you give from your paycheck, (A tithe = a 10% of your income) you worship God. (Mal 3:8-11) Every time you put some persons need before your very own, you worship God. (Phil 2:4) Every time you sing songs to God from the heart, you worship God. (Eph 5:19) Worship makes Him FIRST and FOREMOST. It gives him the seat of honor, the place of preeminence. Worship is anything but a waste - It is the pathway to eternal life. (Deut 6:5)


I personally have many people that I value greatly. Without them I would be at a loss and my joy would be incomplete. My wife has been my personal friend for 35 years and
a wonderful mother to our two sons. Words can’t express her value to me. I am a better man because of her. My two sons and grandchild are priceless - I would give my life for them. Many other friends cause me to cherish the relationship I have with them.
Jesus, however, is above all other relationships and holds the most important place in my heart. At some point everyone will abandon you. It might be through death, divorce or practical changes in life but Jesus will never leave you or forsake you (Heb 13:5)
Your wife (If you are married) your children and your friends deserve to be valued but only Jesus deserves to be worshipped! I don’t know about you but I’m deciding to put Him first in my life today by allowing Him to lead and committing myself to follow. It’s not a waste but true worship! Who is most important to you?


O Lord, you are worthy of all praise!
Help me value things through your eyes and continue to lay the foundation of worship.