Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Let God Be Exalted!

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"Let God be exalted!" Psalm 70:4

Throughout Psalm seventy David petitions God for help
and he needs his help NOW! In verse five and six he says,
"come quickly to me," and "do not delay." There is great
urgency in David's words. Yet, in verse four it seems like a
calmness comes over David. He remembers the power in his
salvation and to rejoice and exalt God no matter what the

There have been MANY times in my life where I not only
need God's help and intervention, but I am desperate for
This verse reminds me to take a breath no matter
what I'm going through and remember to, "rejoice and
be glad," "love my salvation," and "exalt God!"
Of course I'm not going to be glad about the
situation, but I can be glad in the Lord. When I choose
to do this I open the heavenly door to His presence and my
problems just seem to get a little smaller as I allow the
peace and hope of God to fill my heart. Knowing
He has the answer for whatever I'm going through.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the peace and the hope I find in you.
I thank you for my salvation. Help me to always remember you
are a breath away and to always exalt and praise your
mighty name, to rejoice and be glad in YOU. You are worthy
of praise no matter what the situation is. Thank you for your
In Jesus name, Amen