Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look For The Exit Door

1 Corinthians 10:12-13 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

When I read verse 12 . . . "so, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall"! I immediately remembered when my children were in high school choir. I can recall attending several rehearsals where the choir director would remind the students not to stand with their knees locked, instead the director would instruct the students to stand with their knees slightly bent. During wedding rehearsals you will hear the wedding coordinator say the same thing, "NO locked knees, you might faint". You cannot stand for very long in this manner. This passage reminded me that when I think I'm standing upright and firm locked knee, I'm not! The Lord tells us be careful so you don't fall. If I have slightly bent knees I can stabilize myself if something comes my way to knock me over. I'm also ready to flee! In verse (13) the Lord reminds us everyone will go through temptation, but NOTHING beyond what we can bear. He makes a way of excape. We need to be ready to take it.

I will not be ruled by my feelings and emotions! When temptations comes I will stand on the truth of God's word putting on the full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17) and look for the EXIT door to escape temptation. He has already made the plan of escape for me, all I need to do is look for it, find it, and run through it. And with my knees slightly bent I will be ready to flee quickly when temptation comes.

Father, thank you that you will never give me more than I can bear, thank you that you love me so much you already have the plan of escape in place for me when temptation comes. Give me strength and wisdom Lord to run through the EXIT door when temptation comes calling. Help me to stand with knees slightly bent and ready to flee at all times. I give you praise for it Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen!