Monday, January 5, 2009

Lord, I Am A Sinful (Wo)Man

Luke 5:8-11 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners.

Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

Most people recall this story in Luke 5:1-7 of the miraculous catch of fish. We teach it to even the youngest of our Sunday school kids. It's one of the first miracles that Jesus performs publicly.

But, it's not the miraculous catch of fish that caught my attention during this reading. What I became aware of is Simon Peter's reaction to Jesus. When he hears Jesus teaching the people and then witnesses the miracle in his nets, he falls at Jesus' knees and confesses to Him what a sinful man he is.

It brings to mind the feelings I experience whenever I feel the strong presence of God during worship or prayer. I know that I am really in His presence when I feel the remorse of my sins and the humility of my humanness. It's as though the closer we get to purity and holiness, the more aware we are of our filth. Scripture tells us that our ideas of righteousness are like filthy rags to God. We just have no concept as it relates to His perfect goodness.

And what happens next touches me. While Peter is feeling so inadequate in Jesus' presence, kneeling there at his feet, Jesus tells him, "Don't be afraid . . .". He gives Peter the words he needs to hear to leave it all behind at the spur of the moment without hesitation or regret. He reassures Peter, that despite the sinful man that he is, it's going to be okay -- Jesus is going to use him anyway.

I think God is delighted with us when we humble ourselves in His presence and admit how horrible we are. His love for us must be similar to the love we feel for our kids when they humble themselves and confess a wrong they've committed. We want to reassure them of our unconditional love and let them know that it's going to be okay. Just as God does for us. Yes, we are filthy and fall short. But, He can and will use us anyway if we will humble ourselves and follow His direction.

Father, thank you for loving me despite how many times I mess up. Forgive me for knowing so little of true righteousness. I humble myself before You, knowing that you can and will still use me. Thank you for demonstrating unconditional love and fatherhood for us all. Thank you for Your Son.