Saturday, February 7, 2009


At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to do miraculous signs and wonders.

Acts 14:1-3


Paul and Barnabas go to Iconium and preach the gospel. As a result, many Jews and Gentiles believed in Jesus Christ. However, there were Jews who rejected the message and stirred up controversy and difficulty for Paul and Barnabas. The result... boldness and courage for the sake of the gospel. Paul and Barnabas actually spent more time in Iconium and spoke more boldly. As they did this, the Lord empowered their ministry with signs and wonders.


It's easy to take the easy road. But, the easy road rarely leads anywhere of consequence. Paul and Barnabas could have packed up and headed to the next town, but they chose to stay and respond with boldness. As a result, God broke through and lives where changed. In ministry, we too need to be willing to choose the difficult road that requires boldness, courage and faith in the living God. And, as we step out beyond our comfort, beyond our confidence, beyond ourselves, God will show up and lives will be changed.

Father, give me more boldness. Give me more confidence in you. Give me courage to step outside my schedule, my comfort, my plans, my ideas, my...whatever... for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.