Monday, March 30, 2009

Never Quit by Donna Howard


Judges 8:4 NLT
Gideon then crossed the Jordan River with his three hundred men, and though they were exhausted, they continued to chase the enemy.


Gideon and his 300 men had just finished confronting the Midianites. God had caused the enemy camp to be thrown into confusion so these few men could defeat them. They had been up all night, had marched down to the valley and now the enemy was fleeing. Most would say that was a good nights work and now they could rest. However, Gideon and his men continued to pursue because he realized it wasn’t enough to just scatter the enemy, they must be totally destroyed.


There have been times when I’ve realized the enemy had gotten a foothold in my life and some type of action needed to be taken. I would start to pray and do battle against the enemy until I felt a measure of relief. “Ah, this freedom feels good” I would say, not realizing I had just scattered the enemy for a while and had not destroyed his foothold. The enemy would just wait for a more opportune time to continue his assault.

Battle is hard work. Not having served in the armed forces or in a war I can’t imagine the bone weary fatigue that is a part of warfare. I do know that I want to quit long before the war is won. I guess that’s part of my human nature. But God in His graciousness tells me, as He did Gideon, “I will be with you and I will give you victory”. He reminds me again and again, “Don’t quit before the enemy is totally destroyed. I will give you the strength needed to complete the battle.”


Lord, Thank you that you don’t give up on me as quickly as I give up the fight. Give me the strength it takes to battle for total freedom in my life. Help me to continually dress myself in the whole Armor of God as found in Ephesians 6.