Saturday, February 14, 2009

face to face

Psalms 24
A Psalm Of David 1 The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; 2 for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.
3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ? Who may stand in his holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. 5 He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob.

The Lord is the Creator and he has made everything. He is all powerful and Holy. Who can stand in his presence. David states that those people who do not worship idols or swear by what is false shall receive blessings. David was blessed and he was often times vindicated by God. God always watched over David eventhough he made mistakes and failed. David did not follow after other gods when he was down or discouraged. He knew that he would always seek after God's face. His goal was to seek him with all his heart.

Seeking after God is a choice we all have to make. I can claim to be a christian and seek his instructions, guidance and wisdom, . Jesus told his disciples to follow after him. Most people do want to follow God's word but they are not seeking his face. Recently I asked all 60 youth in our group this question," How many of you pray at least 10 minutes a day?" I think only 5 people said they prayed at least 10 minutes not counting a blessing over their food. We all have something we are seeking! We seek after money, pleasures, power, entertainment or people's approval. Seeking his face is more than reading through the Bible in a year. I believe that seeking after his face is somthing more personal. He wants us to seek him like moses who went up on the mount to find him. Today is Valentines day and I want to spend my time with my wife. I want her to know that I love her with all of my heart. I long to see her face. I want to challenge you to seek after God the way David did! I want to seek his face. I want God to know that the only thing on my mind is to spend time with him. I want him to know that nothing else has my attention. I want to speak with him face to face! I do not just want to know about him I want to know him.!

Lord today I come before you and put all distractions aside. I want you to know that I am only focusing on you. I want to give you all my attention and not my spare time. Please know that I love you and thank you for giving me all of your love. There are no other gods before you and you are an awesome God.