Friday, April 18, 2008

Salt Substitute

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. (Mt. 5:13)

Salt...Salt has many purposes. Salt is used in preservation, in curing, and to enhance flavor. The scripture says that if we, as Christians, lose our effectiveness (saltiness) we aren't good for anything, we're useless. We are in danger of becoming a "Salt Substitute." It looks like salt, and resembles salt in taste, but in reality, it's not salt!

God says we're the salt of the earth! We as Christians are called to preserve mankind. We're called to bring a "Cure" to that which is rotting in sin and to bring flavor to this bland world. The cure, the preservation, and the flavor is in Christ...It IS Christ. If we aren't doing these things, if our salt isn't being used, we are in danger of losing our "Saltiness" and becoming that substitute!

God, help me. Help us as Christians to do what you've called us to do. Help us to take the call of the Great Commission seriously and use our "Saltiness" for it's intended purpose. If it's fear that's holding us back, give us your boldness. In Jesus name! Amen.