Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Something is Between Us

Exodus 20:18-19
18 When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance 19 and said to Moses, "Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die."

God was willing to have more of an open relationship with the Israelites, but they were too afraid of His awesome power and thus they begged Moses to be their go between. Years earlier, Moses himself, did not truly believe that God could deal with his shortcomings and begged for a go between, Aaron.

How often do we seek to put something between us and God? He desires to have a one-on-one relationship, but we are always looking for ways to put distance between us. Sometimes it is because we feel unworthy, sometimes it is because we are afraid, but always it is because we don't trust Him fully.

Forgive me Lord for putting the responsibility for my faith on others' shoulders. Instead of withdrawing, I commit to pressing in. instead of looking to a man to hear God's voice for me, I want to hear your voice. You've put Your very Spirit inside of me and have broken down every wall of separation, now help me to live like it! Amen.