SCRIPTURE Psalms 32:6-7
6 Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise,they will not reach him.
7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Looking at this scripture you can tell that David just wanted to run away and hide. David calls God his hiding place. When it seems that everything around is going crazy there is one place you can get away from it all. God will protect you and deliver from the chaos. David talks about a place where nothing can touch him or bother him. Even in the midst of a storm or flood God can elevate you to a place where the storm will not harm you. I use to love playing hide and seek with my cousins while growing up. The fun part was finding that sweet hiding place that no one knew about and resting while people around you could not find you.
Lord, it sounds like a game of hide and go seek. The scripture says to seek you while you may be found. Come to you when we want to hide. God I am so glad that you allow us to find you. We do not have to look too hard. Psalms 32 says that everyone that is godly can pray and you will be found. I hope that you will help me find you. Today, I took a walk through a walnut orchard and it was totally quite and very serene. While walking through the orchard I could feel your presence. There was no one around but I sensed you looking at me. I stopped and prayed in that orchard that you would reveal yourself to me and you did. Thank you for spending the time with me today, I needed that quite time!
Lord, thank you for showing revealing yourself to me today. I pray that we can play hide and go seek again. Thanks for taking time to search for me. Sometimes you are the only person that really wants to be around me. People want stuff from me but you want to bless me. I pray that people would seek your face and find you today! I want to be like David who had his heart after you. David knew, that if he was going to be blessed he would have to go seek you out! I pray that you will continue to reaveal more our yourself to us.
6 Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise,they will not reach him.
7 You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.
Looking at this scripture you can tell that David just wanted to run away and hide. David calls God his hiding place. When it seems that everything around is going crazy there is one place you can get away from it all. God will protect you and deliver from the chaos. David talks about a place where nothing can touch him or bother him. Even in the midst of a storm or flood God can elevate you to a place where the storm will not harm you. I use to love playing hide and seek with my cousins while growing up. The fun part was finding that sweet hiding place that no one knew about and resting while people around you could not find you.
Lord, it sounds like a game of hide and go seek. The scripture says to seek you while you may be found. Come to you when we want to hide. God I am so glad that you allow us to find you. We do not have to look too hard. Psalms 32 says that everyone that is godly can pray and you will be found. I hope that you will help me find you. Today, I took a walk through a walnut orchard and it was totally quite and very serene. While walking through the orchard I could feel your presence. There was no one around but I sensed you looking at me. I stopped and prayed in that orchard that you would reveal yourself to me and you did. Thank you for spending the time with me today, I needed that quite time!
Lord, thank you for showing revealing yourself to me today. I pray that we can play hide and go seek again. Thanks for taking time to search for me. Sometimes you are the only person that really wants to be around me. People want stuff from me but you want to bless me. I pray that people would seek your face and find you today! I want to be like David who had his heart after you. David knew, that if he was going to be blessed he would have to go seek you out! I pray that you will continue to reaveal more our yourself to us.