Thursday, March 27, 2008

Taking Care of “Numero-uno”

(I Cor. 12:7) “But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good”

In the time of Paul, Corinth was a very ungodly, corrupt city. The pagan life-style of the city profoundly influenced the newly forming church and Paul is addressing the correlated problems. In the twelfth chapter he is talking about the impartation of spiritual gifts to every believer. Secular society tends to support the principle of self-advancement. Christian principles teach the importance of giving and supporting each other. Paul tells the church that the gifts of the Spirit are to be used for the common good of the collective Christian community, not for personal feelings or self-worth.

If I have been given a gift with the specific instruction that it must be shared openly, and I choose to keep it to myself, I stand to be judged by the one who gave the gift. To withhold my spiritual gifts, to not use my talents and abilities in the church, is to rebel against the intentions of God Himself. Our society imposes the belief of taking care of yourself because no one else is looking out for your interests. The Christian teaching says we should “take care of number one” also, number one for us is not ourselves but God almighty.

Lord, I want you to be the central influence in all I do or say. Let others see Your grace and compassion in my actions and interactions.

Written By Roger Watson