Thursday, February 5, 2009



So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

Acts 12:5


Amazing things happen when the church prays together. Especially when the church prays earnestly. When God's people come before him with great purpose, seriousness and deep sincerity, miraculous things happen. In this case, Peter was freed from prison. This was a mark of the early church. They had great passion to pursue God. They sacrificed for the purposes of God's kingdom.


The picture of the early church is quite moving. And, because of their faith, devotion and earnestness, amazing things happened. Who wouldn't want to be part of a community like that? And, the reality is, God is the same today that he was when Peter was miraculously released from prison. God can still move in amazing ways when his people pray earnestly. The question for me is when was the last time I did anything earnestly? When was the last time I prayed with great diligence or great purpose?


Father, give me a renewed vision of prayer. Give me a new passion for prayer. Give me a new confidence in prayer. Help me to see the world around me as those first Christians did.