Friday, October 17, 2008

Visiting the Past


Acts 6:2-3
To this he replied: "Brothers and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham while he was still in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran. 3'Leave your country and your people,' God said, 'and go to the land I will show you.


Stephen begins to give a discourse on the history of God’s people and how He led them throughout their lifetime. I note this because history is very important to all of us who have a desire to grow in Jesus. You can’t get to where you want to go unless you know where you have been. As we learn from our past, we can avoid many pitfalls in our present. Hindsight is great if you learn from your failures. Many times I have been encouraged because I took time to remember and reflect upon God’s faithfulness to me. It can do the same for you as well. God’s faithfulness in our past inspires us to keep moving ahead with great hope. In Philippians chapter 3, Paul talks about moving ahead and leaving the past behind. He is focusing, however, on those people who choose to live in the past and not the present. I am talking about visiting the past and remembering God’s goodness. Let’s live in the present but visit the past mercies of God - often!


I am going to take some time today to reflect upon God’s goodness. If you are like me, you may need to actually schedule an appointment with Jesus. Time is precious and a day can speed by without getting around to the important things in life. Spending time with Jesus is more important than we can realize.


Lord, as I remember your faithfulness, may you help me to be faithful to you in all things. I desire to please you in all I do.