Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Journey

Acts 21: 1-3
After we had torn ourselves away from them,we put to sea and sailed to Cos. The next day we went to Rhode and from there to Patara. We found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, went on board and set sail.

These Verses tell us that we will have times of fun, laughter, good friends, food and an enjoyful journey, but we will also have times of Trials of all kinds. But we need to know that God is with us and is molding and sharping us to be used by him. As a warrior sharpen's one's Sword and Spear for the battle.

We, as the body of Christ, must share and encourage those that we work with,at church, home groups those that we share our life's with. As in Family, friends or in that group that we work with at church or just spend time with. So that we build up each other.

Lord, as each of us journey thru our walk with you, be it the good enjoyful times or the trials, help us to understand that the strength we need is there. ALL we have to do is ask and you Lord,will give it to us. So that our testimony, will be a light to a dark World. Thank You Lord for your Love for us. Amen.

David Nelson
Worship Department - Sound Team