Sunday, August 9, 2009


Jesus wept.
John 11:35

In the verses leading up to verse 35, Jesus continues to express his intention to raise Lazarus from the dead.  Those around him don't understand what he is going to do, but Jesus obviously does.  In spite of this, Jesus is moved with great emotion (v. 33) by the mourning of Mary, Martha and the others.  He cries upon seeing the body of Lazarus.  Jesus knows that he is going to move in a miraculous way, but he is still emotionally connected to the event.

This verse seems to teach us that Jesus is full of great emotion stirred by love.  He doesn't simply look at the world with foreknowledge, knowing with confidence how things will turn out.  He is emotionally involved.  Like us, Jesus has emotions and feelings.  He understands our emotions.  In fact, he created them.  He can sympathize with us in the midst of difficulty, stress and sadness.  How cool is that!

Jesus, I praise you for your 'realness'.  That you aren't an impersonal, distant God.  You are close, personal and relationally connected to your creation.