2 Samuel 6:21-22a: David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the LORD's people Israel—I will celebrate before the LORD. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.
Michal was upset with David because he was celebrating or worshiping God in an unusual manner. Michal rebuked David for having done so in front of these slave girls. David says, "Hey, this is for God and no one else!" (In a nutshell)
I love David because he wasn't ashamed of God or afraid of what other people thought of the way he worshiped! I want to be more like this man! I want to feel free to express myself in worship however the Spirit leads me with no fear of what "Man" may think!
Father, give me this boldness I pray! The boldness to come excitedly before you in worship however you want me to, without worrying about what anyone thinks!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Check Yo Self
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
David had it right here! He took the time to ask God to search himself, to test him and see if there was anything in him that didn't belong. David wanted nothing holding him back from the presence of God!
How often do I do this? How often to I open myself up to God and say, "I'm all yours. Poke around and see what's in me that doesn't belong!" Not often enough! I want to have nothing between the Lord and I!
Father, Search me! If there's anything within that does not belong, reveal that to me and help me to deal accordingly with it! Amen.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
David had it right here! He took the time to ask God to search himself, to test him and see if there was anything in him that didn't belong. David wanted nothing holding him back from the presence of God!
How often do I do this? How often to I open myself up to God and say, "I'm all yours. Poke around and see what's in me that doesn't belong!" Not often enough! I want to have nothing between the Lord and I!
Father, Search me! If there's anything within that does not belong, reveal that to me and help me to deal accordingly with it! Amen.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Matthew 15:11- What goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.
Jesus, once again is dealing with the legalism of the Pharisees! The Pharisees were concerned that the disciples were breaking the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before eating. Jesus sets them straight when he says it's not what goes in, but what comes out that makes them unclean.
We need to be sure that we are watching what comes out of our mouth! The word says that the tongue is as sharp as a double edged sword. The power of life and death are in the tongue!
Father, I want to be clean in your eyes! Help me to watch what comes out of my mouth, that my every word may bring glory to your name.
Matthew 15:11- What goes into a man's mouth does not make him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him unclean.
Jesus, once again is dealing with the legalism of the Pharisees! The Pharisees were concerned that the disciples were breaking the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before eating. Jesus sets them straight when he says it's not what goes in, but what comes out that makes them unclean.
We need to be sure that we are watching what comes out of our mouth! The word says that the tongue is as sharp as a double edged sword. The power of life and death are in the tongue!
Father, I want to be clean in your eyes! Help me to watch what comes out of my mouth, that my every word may bring glory to your name.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Obediant Soldiers
2 Chronicles 11:4 "...Do not go up to fight against your brothers. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing. So they obeyed the words of the Lord and turned back from marching against Jeroboam.
180,000 soldiers were gathered up by Rehoboam and were heading out to battle against Israel to regain the kingdom. God sent his word to them to turn back and not to fight. They obeyed!
Wow! As much effort as it must have taken to gather that many soldiers and get them ready for battle, they didn't hesitate to pull back when the Lord spoke. This causes me to wonder if a lot of time and energy could have been saved if they had sought God's will for the situation to begin with! We need to seek God in every decision, and regardless of how much effort we put into something, if God says to turn back, we must be obedient to his word.
Father, help me to seek you in every decisions and be willing to obey your word despite the cost! I want to be an obedient soldier in your kingdom!
2 Chronicles 11:4 "...Do not go up to fight against your brothers. Go home, every one of you, for this is my doing. So they obeyed the words of the Lord and turned back from marching against Jeroboam.
180,000 soldiers were gathered up by Rehoboam and were heading out to battle against Israel to regain the kingdom. God sent his word to them to turn back and not to fight. They obeyed!
Wow! As much effort as it must have taken to gather that many soldiers and get them ready for battle, they didn't hesitate to pull back when the Lord spoke. This causes me to wonder if a lot of time and energy could have been saved if they had sought God's will for the situation to begin with! We need to seek God in every decision, and regardless of how much effort we put into something, if God says to turn back, we must be obedient to his word.
Father, help me to seek you in every decisions and be willing to obey your word despite the cost! I want to be an obedient soldier in your kingdom!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
No Hindering!
Mt. 13:58: "And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith."
Jesus was teaching in his home town and the people recognized him and questioned where his authority came from. Because of their lack of faith, the miraculous was limited or hindered.
Since lack of faith hinders the miraculous, we need to be sure that we're doing all we can to build and increase our faith so that God is free to move in and among us in the miraculous!
Father, your word says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. As I spend time in your word, let faith arise!
Mt. 13:58: "And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith."
Jesus was teaching in his home town and the people recognized him and questioned where his authority came from. Because of their lack of faith, the miraculous was limited or hindered.
Since lack of faith hinders the miraculous, we need to be sure that we're doing all we can to build and increase our faith so that God is free to move in and among us in the miraculous!
Father, your word says that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. As I spend time in your word, let faith arise!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Box
Matt 12:1At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. 2When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath."
3He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. 5Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? 6I tell you that one[a] greater than the temple is here. 7If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'[b] you would not have condemned the innocent. 8For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
The Pharisees were so myopic in their outlook on life. You might say they were living in the box. We learn here that Jesus didn’t live outside the box but He’s the one who make the box in the first place. He is the Lord of the Sabbath and the Lord of all.
I’m committing myself to living outside the box. I might even through away the box all together.
Lord, please open our eyes to see things from your perspective.
Matt 12:1At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. 2When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath."
3He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. 5Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? 6I tell you that one[a] greater than the temple is here. 7If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'[b] you would not have condemned the innocent. 8For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
The Pharisees were so myopic in their outlook on life. You might say they were living in the box. We learn here that Jesus didn’t live outside the box but He’s the one who make the box in the first place. He is the Lord of the Sabbath and the Lord of all.
I’m committing myself to living outside the box. I might even through away the box all together.
Lord, please open our eyes to see things from your perspective.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Who's Who
Matt 11:2 & 3
When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"
In times of difficulty, a person might experience doubt regarding the identity of Jesus. Rather than draw a wrong conclusion, yield to temptation, verbalize some inappropriate verbiage or allow his emotions to lead his life, John decided to ask Jesus himself. It’s never wise to follow your feelings and allow them to be the deciding factor in your life. While feelings are fine, faith is the basis of your walk. This was an opportunity for John to evaluate his faith and sure up his life in view of his current circumstances
John discovered that Jesus hadn’t changed. No matter what you go through, Jesus remains true. We may not understand why we are experiencing a dark and difficult time but God is still in control. Sometimes Jesus will change your situation but at other times he will change you. Both are valid expressions of God’s love.
O Lord, even though John lost his life in prison, you are still the Lord of all. Please give us the courage to exercise faith in the best of times and the worst of times.
Matt 11:2 & 3
When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"
In times of difficulty, a person might experience doubt regarding the identity of Jesus. Rather than draw a wrong conclusion, yield to temptation, verbalize some inappropriate verbiage or allow his emotions to lead his life, John decided to ask Jesus himself. It’s never wise to follow your feelings and allow them to be the deciding factor in your life. While feelings are fine, faith is the basis of your walk. This was an opportunity for John to evaluate his faith and sure up his life in view of his current circumstances
John discovered that Jesus hadn’t changed. No matter what you go through, Jesus remains true. We may not understand why we are experiencing a dark and difficult time but God is still in control. Sometimes Jesus will change your situation but at other times he will change you. Both are valid expressions of God’s love.
O Lord, even though John lost his life in prison, you are still the Lord of all. Please give us the courage to exercise faith in the best of times and the worst of times.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Authrority and Power
Matt. 10:1 ¶ He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. NIV
Power and Authority are not the same. Authority precedes power because it is a position that is given to a person based upon the status of another. When a Christian accepts and embraces the position they have been given by God, they are able to do certain things within the scope of their position. This is power. We are God’s children and have a position that is secure in Christ. Ephesians 1-3 talks to us about who we are. If you grab this truth, there is no telling what God can do through you.
I want to make sure that I am always in position to do whatever God wants me to do. Sometimes we miss opportunities because we are out of position.
O God may we use the authority you have given for the advancement of your kingdom. Thank you for allowing us to stand before you in the grace you have provided.
Matt. 10:1 ¶ He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. NIV
Power and Authority are not the same. Authority precedes power because it is a position that is given to a person based upon the status of another. When a Christian accepts and embraces the position they have been given by God, they are able to do certain things within the scope of their position. This is power. We are God’s children and have a position that is secure in Christ. Ephesians 1-3 talks to us about who we are. If you grab this truth, there is no telling what God can do through you.
I want to make sure that I am always in position to do whatever God wants me to do. Sometimes we miss opportunities because we are out of position.
O God may we use the authority you have given for the advancement of your kingdom. Thank you for allowing us to stand before you in the grace you have provided.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Follow Me
Matt 9:9 …”Follow Me”
These two words can change a person’s life if acted upon. Jesus has a way of transforming lives for the inside out. Very few things happen immediately but as one walks in the Spirit and faithfully follows Jesus, change happens. If you have things in your life that need to change, why don’t you go beyond prayer? Start walking in obedience. Do what Jesus says to do. Say what Jesus says to say. Go where Jesus says to go. If you do, life will be simplified and Jesus will be glorified.
All of us need change but few are willing to follow in the steps of Christ. For those who do, however, the promise of becoming more like Jesus becomes a real possibility. I choose to go beyond lip service and choose to actively purse the Lord with all my heart.
O Lord, some times you lead us beside still waters and at other times into dark times. Wherever you lead, may I be willing to follow.
Matt 9:9 …”Follow Me”
These two words can change a person’s life if acted upon. Jesus has a way of transforming lives for the inside out. Very few things happen immediately but as one walks in the Spirit and faithfully follows Jesus, change happens. If you have things in your life that need to change, why don’t you go beyond prayer? Start walking in obedience. Do what Jesus says to do. Say what Jesus says to say. Go where Jesus says to go. If you do, life will be simplified and Jesus will be glorified.
All of us need change but few are willing to follow in the steps of Christ. For those who do, however, the promise of becoming more like Jesus becomes a real possibility. I choose to go beyond lip service and choose to actively purse the Lord with all my heart.
O Lord, some times you lead us beside still waters and at other times into dark times. Wherever you lead, may I be willing to follow.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Faith or Fear
Matt 8:26 …”You of little faith, why are you so afraid?
Like clouds that collide with a clear blue sky and changes the atmosphere;
A stormy time can bring a collision of faith and fear.
What is the foundation of our fears? Why are we afraid? Jesus asks a very important question. When faith is connected to the Word of God and exercised with confidence we can be victorious over fear .
O Lord help me to exercise my faith so fear will leave in defeat.
Matt 8:26 …”You of little faith, why are you so afraid?
Like clouds that collide with a clear blue sky and changes the atmosphere;
A stormy time can bring a collision of faith and fear.
What is the foundation of our fears? Why are we afraid? Jesus asks a very important question. When faith is connected to the Word of God and exercised with confidence we can be victorious over fear .
O Lord help me to exercise my faith so fear will leave in defeat.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Something or Everything?
Matt. 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. NIV
Do you notice that it says ‘Everything?’ Not just a few things but all things! Being considerate of others is one of the foundational teachings of Scripture. The Bible is
an ‘Other’ centered book. One person said: With one small exception, the whole world is all about others. If we take this to heart, we will life a full life and fulfill the teachings of the Law and Prophets. Maybe this is why we callthis the golden rule because it is very costly when you don’t function this way!
Before I act on my emotional sense, I am going to pass my feelings through the grid of my mind and the Holy Scriptures.
May I be one of those who seeks to put others first in all I do and do to them only those things that I would want done to me.
Matt. 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. NIV
Do you notice that it says ‘Everything?’ Not just a few things but all things! Being considerate of others is one of the foundational teachings of Scripture. The Bible is
an ‘Other’ centered book. One person said: With one small exception, the whole world is all about others. If we take this to heart, we will life a full life and fulfill the teachings of the Law and Prophets. Maybe this is why we callthis the golden rule because it is very costly when you don’t function this way!
Before I act on my emotional sense, I am going to pass my feelings through the grid of my mind and the Holy Scriptures.
May I be one of those who seeks to put others first in all I do and do to them only those things that I would want done to me.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Plumbers of Men?
Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Jesus calls Peter and Andrew from what they were doing — casting their nets into the lake — and tells them that he will make them into fishermen of a different kind. He will make them into fishers of men.
We who follow Jesus are like Peter and Andrew. He has called us out and said to us, "I will make you fishers of men." Except, if He were calling us today, He would most likely use our own profession instead of that of fishermen. He might say, "come and I will make you an engineer of men", or "a plumber of men, one who is going to help clean out men's hearts", or "a builder of men."
Jesus has a way of calling us where we are at and using our skills and talents for His purposes. His purposes are primarily to draw more men and women to Himself. The question is, am I cooperating with Him in this strategy or am I just living life enjoying the blessings He has given me? I must remember, my call is to be one who goes after the heart of men and women for the purpose of bringing them into His Kingdom!
Lord, help me to see the lost of the world and make the choice not to turn away, but to see myself as part of your Kingdom purpose of drawing men to Yourself. Help me to open my mouth, use my hands and give of myself to this most important task. Amen.
Matthew 4:19
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Jesus calls Peter and Andrew from what they were doing — casting their nets into the lake — and tells them that he will make them into fishermen of a different kind. He will make them into fishers of men.
We who follow Jesus are like Peter and Andrew. He has called us out and said to us, "I will make you fishers of men." Except, if He were calling us today, He would most likely use our own profession instead of that of fishermen. He might say, "come and I will make you an engineer of men", or "a plumber of men, one who is going to help clean out men's hearts", or "a builder of men."
Jesus has a way of calling us where we are at and using our skills and talents for His purposes. His purposes are primarily to draw more men and women to Himself. The question is, am I cooperating with Him in this strategy or am I just living life enjoying the blessings He has given me? I must remember, my call is to be one who goes after the heart of men and women for the purpose of bringing them into His Kingdom!
Lord, help me to see the lost of the world and make the choice not to turn away, but to see myself as part of your Kingdom purpose of drawing men to Yourself. Help me to open my mouth, use my hands and give of myself to this most important task. Amen.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Desired Examination
Psalms 11:4-5
4 The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of men;
his eyes examine them.
5 The LORD examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love violence
his soul hates.
Here it is clear that the examination of the Lord is a desirable thing...if one is righteous! On the other hand, it seems that the Lord does not spend too much time looking at the wicked.
One's first reaction to the examination of the Lord has got to be a little bit of anxiety and concern! We are mortal and He is immortal, we are imperfect and He is perfect, we are full of sin and He is sinless. Any examination would seem to be a damning one for us.
And yet, the examination of the Lord is desirable! To have the Lord spend time on you and me is actually an endearing thing because it demonstrates His desire to spend time with us. Further, we need not fear His examination because when we are "in Christ." Christ has paid the price for our sine and our inadequacy. Now, the Lord's examination is a wonderful thing. He shines His light on us to expose that which is not yet given over to Him fully and we can thank Him.
As Jesus says in the book of John, those who are of the light, love the light!
Lord, shine your light on me and help me to receive it with joy rather then fear. Help me to respond to the warmth of your light by aggressively dealing with the things that are not of you that are in my life. Amen.
Psalms 11:4-5
4 The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
He observes the sons of men;
his eyes examine them.
5 The LORD examines the righteous,
but the wicked and those who love violence
his soul hates.
Here it is clear that the examination of the Lord is a desirable thing...if one is righteous! On the other hand, it seems that the Lord does not spend too much time looking at the wicked.
One's first reaction to the examination of the Lord has got to be a little bit of anxiety and concern! We are mortal and He is immortal, we are imperfect and He is perfect, we are full of sin and He is sinless. Any examination would seem to be a damning one for us.
And yet, the examination of the Lord is desirable! To have the Lord spend time on you and me is actually an endearing thing because it demonstrates His desire to spend time with us. Further, we need not fear His examination because when we are "in Christ." Christ has paid the price for our sine and our inadequacy. Now, the Lord's examination is a wonderful thing. He shines His light on us to expose that which is not yet given over to Him fully and we can thank Him.
As Jesus says in the book of John, those who are of the light, love the light!
Lord, shine your light on me and help me to receive it with joy rather then fear. Help me to respond to the warmth of your light by aggressively dealing with the things that are not of you that are in my life. Amen.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Battle is the Lord's
1 Samuel 17:47
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."
David made a choice not to rely on the usual weapons of his day in his battle against Goliath, but instead to chose the small but useful tools he was familiar with. This way everyone would know that it was a God-thing, and not a David-thing when Goliath lay defeated.
God doesn't need much, just a willing person with a bold heart and a commitment to him. He can do great things with us, if we will only trust him and face life with Him. Far too often I have relied on my own skills rather then trusting in His.
Lord, you're big enough to destroy every Goliath in my life. Help me to walk into battle trusting you instead of finding comfort in the tools that man says are right for the job!
1 Samuel 17:47
All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."
David made a choice not to rely on the usual weapons of his day in his battle against Goliath, but instead to chose the small but useful tools he was familiar with. This way everyone would know that it was a God-thing, and not a David-thing when Goliath lay defeated.
God doesn't need much, just a willing person with a bold heart and a commitment to him. He can do great things with us, if we will only trust him and face life with Him. Far too often I have relied on my own skills rather then trusting in His.
Lord, you're big enough to destroy every Goliath in my life. Help me to walk into battle trusting you instead of finding comfort in the tools that man says are right for the job!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
1 Samuel 15:13-14
13 When Samuel reached him, Saul said, "The LORD bless you! I have carried out the LORD's instructions."
14 But Samuel said, "What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears? What is this lowing of cattle that I hear?"
Saul did not obey fully what the Lord had commanded him to do through Samuel. But here he is trying to explain that he really did obey. In the next few verses, he gives the reason for his disobedience and even tries to make it look and sound good by saying that it was so that "sacrifices could be made to the Lord."
Partial obedience is disobedience. Anything less then full obedience is disobedience in God's eyes. And further, you had better not try to justify yourself to God! He knows the whole truth and is not impressed by our attempts to make things look and sound better.
Lord, help me to be FULLY obedient to those things you have called me to. Help me to be obedient at all times and in all circumstances, not just when it is convenient and not just to the degree that I am comfortable with—but ALL THE WAY! Amen.
1 Samuel 15:13-14
13 When Samuel reached him, Saul said, "The LORD bless you! I have carried out the LORD's instructions."
14 But Samuel said, "What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears? What is this lowing of cattle that I hear?"
Saul did not obey fully what the Lord had commanded him to do through Samuel. But here he is trying to explain that he really did obey. In the next few verses, he gives the reason for his disobedience and even tries to make it look and sound good by saying that it was so that "sacrifices could be made to the Lord."
Partial obedience is disobedience. Anything less then full obedience is disobedience in God's eyes. And further, you had better not try to justify yourself to God! He knows the whole truth and is not impressed by our attempts to make things look and sound better.
Lord, help me to be FULLY obedient to those things you have called me to. Help me to be obedient at all times and in all circumstances, not just when it is convenient and not just to the degree that I am comfortable with—but ALL THE WAY! Amen.
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Rash Oath
1 Samuel 14:24
Now the men of Israel were in distress that day, because Saul had bound the people under an oath, saying, "Cursed be any man who eats food before evening comes, before I have avenged myself on my enemies!" So none of the troops tasted food.
Saul made a stupid oath that resulted in his own soldiers running out of energy in the midst of the battle. And later because of their hunger, they then committed sin when they began to slay animals and eat them without properly preparing them.
Leaders must be careful because their decisions impact others. Father and mothers must be careful because their decisions impact their children. We can make promises too quickly. We can make blanket statements without thinking about their consequences.
We learn in 1 Samuel that this is not a wise thing to do!
Lord, help me to consider before acting. Help me to keep in mind that my actions impact the lives of my family in ways that I don't even anticipate and I thus must be more careful and intentional about what I say and do. Amen.
1 Samuel 14:24
Now the men of Israel were in distress that day, because Saul had bound the people under an oath, saying, "Cursed be any man who eats food before evening comes, before I have avenged myself on my enemies!" So none of the troops tasted food.
Saul made a stupid oath that resulted in his own soldiers running out of energy in the midst of the battle. And later because of their hunger, they then committed sin when they began to slay animals and eat them without properly preparing them.
Leaders must be careful because their decisions impact others. Father and mothers must be careful because their decisions impact their children. We can make promises too quickly. We can make blanket statements without thinking about their consequences.
We learn in 1 Samuel that this is not a wise thing to do!
Lord, help me to consider before acting. Help me to keep in mind that my actions impact the lives of my family in ways that I don't even anticipate and I thus must be more careful and intentional about what I say and do. Amen.
Friday, April 10, 2009
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
There are stongholds, and arguments and pretensions that actually set themselves against "the knowledge of God." Satan distorts the truth about God, he doesen't want us to "know" God. When we really "know" God, Satan cannot gain any strongholds in our lives. A stronghold in the mind is a collection of thoughts in agreement with Satan- thoughts that are lies against what God has revealed about Himself.
This is one important reason why we must spend time in God's Word. He reveals Himself in the scriptures. When thoughts come in our minds, it could be just a little thought, "God can't love me." If you begin to agree with that thought, it will be just a matter of time before Satan gets a stronghold in your life that can keep you out of the intimate relationship you really have with God your Father through His Son Jesus Christ. I might have the thought but I don't have to agree with it, because it is Satan's lie. God has revealed exactly how He feels about me in His word. We have to take our thoughts captive and bring them into obedience
Lord, the truth about who you really are, the "knowing" you is so sweet. Keep my mind set on the truths I know about you and may I "know" you more and more!
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
There are stongholds, and arguments and pretensions that actually set themselves against "the knowledge of God." Satan distorts the truth about God, he doesen't want us to "know" God. When we really "know" God, Satan cannot gain any strongholds in our lives. A stronghold in the mind is a collection of thoughts in agreement with Satan- thoughts that are lies against what God has revealed about Himself.
This is one important reason why we must spend time in God's Word. He reveals Himself in the scriptures. When thoughts come in our minds, it could be just a little thought, "God can't love me." If you begin to agree with that thought, it will be just a matter of time before Satan gets a stronghold in your life that can keep you out of the intimate relationship you really have with God your Father through His Son Jesus Christ. I might have the thought but I don't have to agree with it, because it is Satan's lie. God has revealed exactly how He feels about me in His word. We have to take our thoughts captive and bring them into obedience
Lord, the truth about who you really are, the "knowing" you is so sweet. Keep my mind set on the truths I know about you and may I "know" you more and more!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
2 Corinthians 9: 6-11 & 14
"because of the surpassing grace God has given you" Here is this talk again about this "grace" given by God. We're given this "grace" so we can be givers, generous on every occasion.
There are a lot of ways to walk in this "grace of giving" It might be spending some of our time with lonely people, it could be as simple as opening our homes, it might require our finances or be inconveinent. Its always about our heart but God provides the grace.
Sweet, Holy, Father-my daddy, let your grace abound in me, make me a giver.
2 Corinthians 9: 6-11 & 14
"because of the surpassing grace God has given you" Here is this talk again about this "grace" given by God. We're given this "grace" so we can be givers, generous on every occasion.
There are a lot of ways to walk in this "grace of giving" It might be spending some of our time with lonely people, it could be as simple as opening our homes, it might require our finances or be inconveinent. Its always about our heart but God provides the grace.
Sweet, Holy, Father-my daddy, let your grace abound in me, make me a giver.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Disney's Gift at Reinvention
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<div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:480px;">Watch <a href="">Disney Templates</a> and more <a href="">funny videos</a> on <a href="">CollegeHumor</a></div><br class="khtml-block-placeholder">
<div style="padding:5px 0; text-align:center; width:480px;">Watch <a href="">Disney Templates</a> and more <a href="">funny videos</a> on <a href="">CollegeHumor</a></div><br class="khtml-block-placeholder">
2 Corinthians 8: 7 & 10 But just as you excel in everything- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving. vs 10; you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so.
Paul encourages us to "excel" in the grace of giving and then in verse 10 he sees even deeper than just the act of giving but recognizes they were the "first" to give but also to have the "desire" to do so.
So many times I think about the people at Koinonia who give their time in service to others. I know they do it because they love kids, or they genuinely care that people are welcomed, or they have a heart to help others experience worship. Whatever passion motivates their service, they are so many times the "first" to give. They do seemingly small things, like this Easter many of them will be giving up their seats with their families and serve multiple services, just because they have put "others first" and most amazingly, they do it with the "desire" Paul writes about.
Father, increase this "grace of giving" in me, help me be one of the "first" to give and grow the "desire" to do so, in my heart. Thank you for all those on my team who are teaching me.
2 Corinthians 8: 7 & 10 But just as you excel in everything- in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us-see that you also excel in this grace of giving. vs 10; you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so.
Paul encourages us to "excel" in the grace of giving and then in verse 10 he sees even deeper than just the act of giving but recognizes they were the "first" to give but also to have the "desire" to do so.
So many times I think about the people at Koinonia who give their time in service to others. I know they do it because they love kids, or they genuinely care that people are welcomed, or they have a heart to help others experience worship. Whatever passion motivates their service, they are so many times the "first" to give. They do seemingly small things, like this Easter many of them will be giving up their seats with their families and serve multiple services, just because they have put "others first" and most amazingly, they do it with the "desire" Paul writes about.
Father, increase this "grace of giving" in me, help me be one of the "first" to give and grow the "desire" to do so, in my heart. Thank you for all those on my team who are teaching me.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Hope of all the ends of the earth
Psalm 65:3-5 When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgresssions. O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth.
Overwhelmed and Hope, are directly opposed to each other. Exact opposites. Overwhelmed is defined as: to submerge; surge over; engulf; to defeat completely and decisively; to affect deeply. I'm reminded of the weight of utter hopelessness apart from God.
Even though its been 34 years since the gulf between me and God was closed...I remember the hopelessness and its overwhelming weight and its exactly the weight our old enemy Satan wants us to live under BUT you gotta love when the Scripture breaks through! "when we forgave our transgressions", WOW! The Psalmist cries out..."You are the hope of all the ends of the earth!
My heart is filled with thankfullness and great joy, Lord for the freedom from the power of sin, I know in you! But I am increasingly aware of all those who don't know you yet and the forgiveness of sins and the overwhelming weights they carry. Let your forgiveness come in like a flood! You are the Hope of the earth! and I love you!
Psalm 65:3-5 When we were overwhelmed by sins, you forgave our transgresssions. O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth.
Overwhelmed and Hope, are directly opposed to each other. Exact opposites. Overwhelmed is defined as: to submerge; surge over; engulf; to defeat completely and decisively; to affect deeply. I'm reminded of the weight of utter hopelessness apart from God.
Even though its been 34 years since the gulf between me and God was closed...I remember the hopelessness and its overwhelming weight and its exactly the weight our old enemy Satan wants us to live under BUT you gotta love when the Scripture breaks through! "when we forgave our transgressions", WOW! The Psalmist cries out..."You are the hope of all the ends of the earth!
My heart is filled with thankfullness and great joy, Lord for the freedom from the power of sin, I know in you! But I am increasingly aware of all those who don't know you yet and the forgiveness of sins and the overwhelming weights they carry. Let your forgiveness come in like a flood! You are the Hope of the earth! and I love you!
Godly Sorrow
2Cor. 7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
When people hurt they often cry. Even though tears can be the product of great joy - sorrow in some form is more often the source. I can’t speak for you but when I see a person crying, I want to stop, listen and help them wipe away the tears. The problem, however, is the very tears that come from sorrow become the spring that waters repentance. If sorrow turns us from sin and helps us to follow Jesus more closely, then sorrow and tears becomes our friend.
Before I seek to wipe away tears from the eyes of people, I will seek to discover the source. If God is using the tears to water the fruit of His Spirit in their lives and turn them around, I will not do anything to abort the work God is doing.
O Lord, help us to have a sorrow that leads to repentance.
2Cor. 7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
When people hurt they often cry. Even though tears can be the product of great joy - sorrow in some form is more often the source. I can’t speak for you but when I see a person crying, I want to stop, listen and help them wipe away the tears. The problem, however, is the very tears that come from sorrow become the spring that waters repentance. If sorrow turns us from sin and helps us to follow Jesus more closely, then sorrow and tears becomes our friend.
Before I seek to wipe away tears from the eyes of people, I will seek to discover the source. If God is using the tears to water the fruit of His Spirit in their lives and turn them around, I will not do anything to abort the work God is doing.
O Lord, help us to have a sorrow that leads to repentance.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Come Out
2Cor. 6:17 “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.
Living in the world and not being a part of the world is the challenge set before every Christian. We aren’t called to retreat to some mountain in order to remove ourselves from society but to live a Spirit filled life while integrated with the current culture.
Francis Schaeffer wrote a book called: How then shall we live.
That question must be answered. I think verse 7 gives us a clue when we are told to have weapons of righteousness in both hands. We must keep our eyes on God and our hands involved in doing right things. As our eyes are focused on Jesus and our hands extended to help people in His name, we can live the Spirit Led life.
Lord, please show us how to be an influence in the world rather than being influenced by the world.
2Cor. 6:17 “Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.
Living in the world and not being a part of the world is the challenge set before every Christian. We aren’t called to retreat to some mountain in order to remove ourselves from society but to live a Spirit filled life while integrated with the current culture.
Francis Schaeffer wrote a book called: How then shall we live.
That question must be answered. I think verse 7 gives us a clue when we are told to have weapons of righteousness in both hands. We must keep our eyes on God and our hands involved in doing right things. As our eyes are focused on Jesus and our hands extended to help people in His name, we can live the Spirit Led life.
Lord, please show us how to be an influence in the world rather than being influenced by the world.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Blessing of Trouble by Donna Howard
II Corinthians 4:17 NLT
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!
This scripture says our present troubles are small but my mind wants to cry out to God “Have you seen what I’m facing”? It seems anything but small. It seems all encompassing and consuming. But God, in His abundant grace that’s poured out on us daily, gives us a new and different perspective – This small trouble is to shape us into a vessel that contains more of Him to give to a lost and dying world. He reminds us that we must have an eternal perspective. He didn’t call us to live lives of ease but to live lives of purpose and destiny.
Pain and trouble are a part of growth, and let’s face it, a part of everyone’s life. My job or goal is to keep things in perspective…. It’s not about me, it’s about the Kingdom of God being revealed in my life.
I’ve had seasons of pain and struggle in my life that seemed as if it would crush me. However, it made me cry out to and cling to Jesus as my lifeline. That pain and pressure created in me a new sensitivity to the Holy Spirit … it plowed up the places in my heart that had become very hard. Then an amazing thing happened! This pain, this struggle, actually turned into a blessing that created new life and passion for Jesus in my life. This turn-around can happen anytime and anyplace if we will surrender ourselves to the living God to mold, shape and indwell us.
Lord, I do want to reflect Your Glory so people will be drawn into your Kingdom. But in order to do that, I must submit and allow you to work in all areas of my life. Give me the ability to rejoice in hard times realizing it is creating in me a “an eternal weight of glory”.
II Corinthians 4:17 NLT
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!
This scripture says our present troubles are small but my mind wants to cry out to God “Have you seen what I’m facing”? It seems anything but small. It seems all encompassing and consuming. But God, in His abundant grace that’s poured out on us daily, gives us a new and different perspective – This small trouble is to shape us into a vessel that contains more of Him to give to a lost and dying world. He reminds us that we must have an eternal perspective. He didn’t call us to live lives of ease but to live lives of purpose and destiny.
Pain and trouble are a part of growth, and let’s face it, a part of everyone’s life. My job or goal is to keep things in perspective…. It’s not about me, it’s about the Kingdom of God being revealed in my life.
I’ve had seasons of pain and struggle in my life that seemed as if it would crush me. However, it made me cry out to and cling to Jesus as my lifeline. That pain and pressure created in me a new sensitivity to the Holy Spirit … it plowed up the places in my heart that had become very hard. Then an amazing thing happened! This pain, this struggle, actually turned into a blessing that created new life and passion for Jesus in my life. This turn-around can happen anytime and anyplace if we will surrender ourselves to the living God to mold, shape and indwell us.
Lord, I do want to reflect Your Glory so people will be drawn into your Kingdom. But in order to do that, I must submit and allow you to work in all areas of my life. Give me the ability to rejoice in hard times realizing it is creating in me a “an eternal weight of glory”.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Idol Of Worry by Kay Hurtado
Judges 17:4-5 (NLT)
“So his (Micah’s) mother took two hundred of the silver coins to a silversmith, who made them into an image and an idol. And these were placed in Micah’s house. Micah set up a shrine, and he made a sacred ephod and some household idols.”
This portion of scripture discusses how Micah had stolen 1100 pieces of silver from his mother, and not knowing it was Micah who took them, she had cursed “the thief” who took them. When he told her he was the thief, she spoke a blessing over him and dedicated the coins to the Lord. Then, in honor of her son Micah, she had an image carved and an idol cast.
How many times have I blessed you Lord, in the middle of a struggle, turned the issue over to You, and then taken it back again in worry? And not even meaning to do that, it’s happened. One particular area is in the worry over finances. Countless numbers of times I’ve declared that I would trust You to take care of our financial condition, yet worried it through, figuring it out in my own strength, only to find that my way wasn’t the way You had planned at all. My pride would not let go and completely trust You to take care of us financially. You revealed to me that my worry was like an idol. My thoughts, energy, and time were consumed with worrying about what I had given to You to take care of in the first place. I wasn’t asking for bigger and better stuff, I was just asking for You to provide, all the while worrying about how it would happen, and what I would do when it came. Well, you proved faithful! You always provided, and in the process You’ve taught me that worry adds nothing to my life but stress. No longer will worry be an idol to me because every time I venture back into that chartered territory, in Your faithfulness, You call me back reminding me that You are the same today as You were yesterday, and You will be tomorrow.
Of Father, how grateful I am for your Word. How blessed I am to be one that You care enough about to remind me of your faithfulness. Thank You that I can truly walk in my choice to trust You in the current challenge of our financial lives. Please continue to show me areas in my life where I have laid up idols without even realizing it. You are the One and only One that I desire to worship, and nothing else. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Judges 17:4-5 (NLT)
“So his (Micah’s) mother took two hundred of the silver coins to a silversmith, who made them into an image and an idol. And these were placed in Micah’s house. Micah set up a shrine, and he made a sacred ephod and some household idols.”
This portion of scripture discusses how Micah had stolen 1100 pieces of silver from his mother, and not knowing it was Micah who took them, she had cursed “the thief” who took them. When he told her he was the thief, she spoke a blessing over him and dedicated the coins to the Lord. Then, in honor of her son Micah, she had an image carved and an idol cast.
How many times have I blessed you Lord, in the middle of a struggle, turned the issue over to You, and then taken it back again in worry? And not even meaning to do that, it’s happened. One particular area is in the worry over finances. Countless numbers of times I’ve declared that I would trust You to take care of our financial condition, yet worried it through, figuring it out in my own strength, only to find that my way wasn’t the way You had planned at all. My pride would not let go and completely trust You to take care of us financially. You revealed to me that my worry was like an idol. My thoughts, energy, and time were consumed with worrying about what I had given to You to take care of in the first place. I wasn’t asking for bigger and better stuff, I was just asking for You to provide, all the while worrying about how it would happen, and what I would do when it came. Well, you proved faithful! You always provided, and in the process You’ve taught me that worry adds nothing to my life but stress. No longer will worry be an idol to me because every time I venture back into that chartered territory, in Your faithfulness, You call me back reminding me that You are the same today as You were yesterday, and You will be tomorrow.
Of Father, how grateful I am for your Word. How blessed I am to be one that You care enough about to remind me of your faithfulness. Thank You that I can truly walk in my choice to trust You in the current challenge of our financial lives. Please continue to show me areas in my life where I have laid up idols without even realizing it. You are the One and only One that I desire to worship, and nothing else. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
To God be the Glory by Saci Stockton
Judges 13:16-18 Amplified
"And the Angel of the Lord said to Manoah, Though you detain me I will not eat of your food: but if you make ready a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord. For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the Lord. And Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, What is your name, so that when your words come true, we may do you honor? And the Angel of the Lord said to him, Why do you ask My name seeing it is wonderful?"
In reading these scriptures it was apparent that the Angel would take no honor unto himself, even when it was offered, but only gave honor unto the Lord.
: I am to give glory and honor to my Savior and Heavenly Father and not seek to be honored for my good deeds, even though those deeds may in fact be for the Lord Himself. I am nothing, there is no good in me except what comes from my Father. All honor and glory is His.
Heavenly Father forgive me when I have cherished the honor and praises of men. May all honor and praise be yours Lord. Help me to always defer to you when praise and glory come my way. Always lifting you up first and only....for you alone deserve the glory.
Judges 13:16-18 Amplified
"And the Angel of the Lord said to Manoah, Though you detain me I will not eat of your food: but if you make ready a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord. For Manoah did not know He was the Angel of the Lord. And Manoah said to the Angel of the Lord, What is your name, so that when your words come true, we may do you honor? And the Angel of the Lord said to him, Why do you ask My name seeing it is wonderful?"
In reading these scriptures it was apparent that the Angel would take no honor unto himself, even when it was offered, but only gave honor unto the Lord.
: I am to give glory and honor to my Savior and Heavenly Father and not seek to be honored for my good deeds, even though those deeds may in fact be for the Lord Himself. I am nothing, there is no good in me except what comes from my Father. All honor and glory is His.
Heavenly Father forgive me when I have cherished the honor and praises of men. May all honor and praise be yours Lord. Help me to always defer to you when praise and glory come my way. Always lifting you up first and only....for you alone deserve the glory.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Keepiing Vows by Viki Nelson
Psalm 50:14 NLT “Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God and keep the vows you made to the Most High.”
Your Observation: God did not say “Please complain whenever you want because you won’t be getting your way many times in your life. You poor thing; your life has had so many disappointments. There might be times when your way is actually higher than My way.” Nor did God say “I thought it over and I agree with your cultural concept that “Promises are made to be broken. Little white lies don’t matter to me. Hey, nowadays even the big lies are no big deal if you’ve got a good reason.” Ouch, is that how we think? Remember, it was Satan who tried the “Did God really say…?” line on Eve and Jesus. Eve fell for it, Jesus didn’t. Jesus showed us how to overcome yet we still fall for “the lie of the day” because we want to. We think we know better than God but we refuse to admit it - even to ourselves. We team up with the Father of Lies against the Most High. Think about that. Whose side are we on?
God told me to “Be in the world but not part of it.” Why do I so easily forget I am Kingdom People? It’s not okay for me to speak and act like everyone else. This past Sunday Pastor Roger jolted us awake with a seemingly hilarious video segment concerning a “five-dollar for five minutes” psychiatrist with a novel therapy for his new client. Each time she related another irrational fear or destructive behavior, he forcefully told her “STOP IT!” Although the Holy Spirit probably doesn’t resemble Bob Newhart, I need His help to jolt me back towards God-thinking and acting. I need to remember who I really am and where I’m headed.
God, this scripture of yours has shined a light on places in my heart where I have not wanted to look - but I am looking now. I admit that I have worn the Christian mask of looking good and saying the right things while seething inwardly. I am sorry for being a professional Christian. Jesus called that kind of person a “white-washed tomb” because when I act like that, my words are full of death. How horrible. I want my words and actions to have God-Truth, God-Life and God-Power in them. Lord, will you help me? I need the Holy Spirit to remind me to STOP IT when I get off-track. This is going to sound weird, but thank you for being God. You know what I mean. I trust you to work all things out for my good because I am called according to your purpose. Thanks also in advance for helping me – You never let me down. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Psalm 50:14 NLT “Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God and keep the vows you made to the Most High.”
Your Observation: God did not say “Please complain whenever you want because you won’t be getting your way many times in your life. You poor thing; your life has had so many disappointments. There might be times when your way is actually higher than My way.” Nor did God say “I thought it over and I agree with your cultural concept that “Promises are made to be broken. Little white lies don’t matter to me. Hey, nowadays even the big lies are no big deal if you’ve got a good reason.” Ouch, is that how we think? Remember, it was Satan who tried the “Did God really say…?” line on Eve and Jesus. Eve fell for it, Jesus didn’t. Jesus showed us how to overcome yet we still fall for “the lie of the day” because we want to. We think we know better than God but we refuse to admit it - even to ourselves. We team up with the Father of Lies against the Most High. Think about that. Whose side are we on?
God told me to “Be in the world but not part of it.” Why do I so easily forget I am Kingdom People? It’s not okay for me to speak and act like everyone else. This past Sunday Pastor Roger jolted us awake with a seemingly hilarious video segment concerning a “five-dollar for five minutes” psychiatrist with a novel therapy for his new client. Each time she related another irrational fear or destructive behavior, he forcefully told her “STOP IT!” Although the Holy Spirit probably doesn’t resemble Bob Newhart, I need His help to jolt me back towards God-thinking and acting. I need to remember who I really am and where I’m headed.
God, this scripture of yours has shined a light on places in my heart where I have not wanted to look - but I am looking now. I admit that I have worn the Christian mask of looking good and saying the right things while seething inwardly. I am sorry for being a professional Christian. Jesus called that kind of person a “white-washed tomb” because when I act like that, my words are full of death. How horrible. I want my words and actions to have God-Truth, God-Life and God-Power in them. Lord, will you help me? I need the Holy Spirit to remind me to STOP IT when I get off-track. This is going to sound weird, but thank you for being God. You know what I mean. I trust you to work all things out for my good because I am called according to your purpose. Thanks also in advance for helping me – You never let me down. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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