Acts 27:10 "Men, i can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also. 11 but the Centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and the owner of the ship. 14 Before long, a wind of hurricane force, called the 'northeaster', swept down from the island.
As I read Acts 27 text this morning, I was reminded of a time when my wife and I went to the coast with another couple who attended Koinonia Christian Fellowship. It was early Friday morning when the four of us crammed into a little airplane that seated four people. When I say little, I mean LITTLE. As John, the pilot began to taxi down the runway and prepared to take off, he was listening to someone on his headphones. They were giving him directions and advising him on the best path to take. I assumed that once we were in the air, he would take the headphones off and we would have some good conversation for the entire trip. What happened, however, was quite different. He never did take the headphones off. Yes, we were able to talk at times but when he heard those from the tower trying to communicate with him, our conversation ceased and he listened to them. 'They had priority'.
John was the pilot and owner of the plane just like the man in Acts 27 who owned the ship. The difference, however, was that John was willing to listen to someone who had an objective perspective. Who we listen too can lead us to our destination or to our destruction.
The Centurion chose to listen to the wrong voice. He felt the pilot and owner knew best. The best advice, however, came from God. Paul revealed the truth. Once again we learn that 'Father God Knows Best.' It is easy for pilots and owners to forget who really knows best way. It's also easy for us! When we make decisions about life without consulting Him; when we listen to the advice of others and follow our own inclinations, we end up in a wreck.
Jesus wants to be the one you contact as you continue your journey. Maybe you are on the runway and waiting to take off. Possibly you are flying or sailing with clear skies and not a cloud in sight. As tragic as it may sound, you might have even crashed. Wherever you are right now, God is the REAL OWNER of everything. He is the REAL PILOT. As an airline pilot doesn't loose contact with the tower during the flight, please don't loose contact with God. he will make sure you arrive at your destination safely - if you listen. FATHER KNOWS BEST!
Sometimes my cell phone won't ring because I am not positioned in a place where I can receive or sent calls. Today, I am deciding to always stay within listening range. When God says;
Can You Hear me Now, I want to say YES. Others may be talking but I am going to give HIM priority. How about you?
Father, I give you my full attention today. Forgive me for listening to other voices and following their advice. Help me to hear your voice above all others and give full obedience to what you say. I know your are trying to help me and I am thankful. I realize that you always know what is best for me.
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