Monday, February 4, 2008

Get Out of My Way!

Acts 11:1-3
The apostles and the brothers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him and said, "You went into the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them."

Often, people are criticized for obeying God! Criticism isn't limited just to non-believers either. Here, Peter is being criticized by believers because he was obediant and shared the Word of God with the Gentiles.

When God asks you to do something, you can bet that something or someone will try to get in the way and hinder the work of the Lord. It may be that someone does critisize you for doing something that God has asked you to do, or maybe something will try and get in the way before you are able to do "it". If God asks you to do something, remember, he's with you. There's nothing that the enemy can throw in the way that God hasn't already conquered. Stand firm and carry out the task that God has asked you to do.

Father, I pray that you would give me the strength and boldness that it takes to do whatever you ask of me. It's hard at times and things try and get in the way. Whatever the cost, help me to be obediant to your perfect will...

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