Friday, February 22, 2008

The Ordinary


Acts 14:1 ¶ At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. NIV


The Disciples weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary but something very extraordinary happened in the midst of the ordinary. (If that makes sense!) They went into the synagogue as usual but spoke so effectively that a great number of people responded to the message of truth about Jesus.

Truth changes people when they respond to it.
People respond to truth more readily when it is shared properly. You can share God’s truth in a judgmental way or in a condescending way. You can talk out of insincerity or with a critical tone. When you share from a bad attitude, however, people often react in a negative way. They seem to react rather than respond to the attitude and not the actual words. I am reminded once again from this text - how you say something is as important as what you say. I believe, however, this truth is not based entirely upon the style in which a person shares. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has something to do with this effectiveness. An example of this is found in Acts 18:26.

A married couple named Aquila & Priscilla took a man by the name of Apollos aside and taught him the ways of the Holy Spirit and he began to speak differently. Throughout the New Testament people spoke in a new way when they were filled with the Spirit of Jesus. The bottom line is this, when you speak for God you need three things.
1. Substance,
2. Style
3. The Holy Spirit.

This is a prescription for great effectiveness.


Today I need to examine my motives when I speak. Am I seeking to help people or am I secretly trying to put them in their place. The motive will often determine the tone and the tone will often determine the fruitfulness of the message. When we are yielded to the Holy Spirit and allow Him the right to oversee our speech, we will have greater success. I am going to watch over my words as they are spoken but also explore the underlying attitudes that my words are founded upon. This will be a step in the right direction.


Lord, help me to speak with your anointing and in such a way that others are not turned off to your truth. May I represent you by accurately sharing your words in the way that brings you glory.

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