Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Acts 20:24a - "But none of these things move me. . ."

Paul had faced, and would continue to face, many hardships in his life. In fact, he was being warned prophetically about some of them in this instance, and this is what provokes his comments. Yet he has a heavenly perspective with regards to suffering and sacrifice and refuses to be moved from a place of trust and obedience to God's path for his life.

How easy it is for us to let difficulties, sufferings, even small, uncomfortable things move us in our emotions, our decisions - those are the things that cause us to waver from God's path and God's best. We must learn to say "but none of these things move me" and continue to press forward with confidence, obedience, and trust in the Lord's plan for us.

God, when the difficulties come, help us not to be moved, but to be unwavering in our commitment to live for You and serve You with all of our hearts. Help us to recognize our tendencies to be "moved" by adversity out of Your perfect will for our lives.

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