Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Increase & Overflow

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else...
I Thessalonians 3:12

Paul, with Silas and Timothy, is writing this letter to a new community of believers in Thessalonica.  At the beginning of the letter, he commends them for their love.  This new group of Christ followers are living out their faith in love and it is having an impact on the world around them.  It's as if Paul is saying, "you guys are doing a great job, keep it up.  Then, in chapter 3, Paul says "may the Lord make your love increase and overflow...."  

As a follower of Jesus, my love needs to continue to increase and overflow, impacting those around me.  The application question for me is:  has my love increased from year to year?  Am I more loving today as opposed to 5 years ago?  Is so, what is the evidence of this love?  Where is the overflow from my love?  These are difficult questions for me to answer which tells me that I need to pursue a closeness with Christ where his love is evident in my life.  I need to combat selfishness and serve others.

Father, I pray the same thing that Paul prayed over the Christians in Thessalonica.  May you make my love increase and overflow for those I encounter on a daily basis.

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