Friday, August 29, 2008

What Made God Sick?

(Revelation 3:15 & 16) "I know your deeds, that your are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."

Another one of the churches that had compromised their walk with God was the church at Laodicea. These Christians had become lukewarm or complacent in their worship and service. God's desire is that they were either sold out for Him or not a follower at all. Their half-way commitment makes God sick, so to speak, to the point that he vomits them out of his mouth.

Partial commitment is the seed bed for discontentment in any relationship. Setting conditions for our worship is not worship at all but a contractual agreement based on reciprical benefits. We must either serve God whole heartedly with no reservations, or not at all because God won't take second place in our life. That makes Him Sick!

Lord, I will serve You, and have no other god's before You. With all that I am I will give praise to You. I give You first place in my life.

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